Wednesday, July 2, 2008

80 MPG 1987 Ford Mustang

In the face of rising oil and gas prices, it is amazing the power of innovation that God has enabled mankind to do. Perhaps Arab oil sheiks should tremble when the innovation and technology begins to roll out hybrid, hydrogen, electric, solar and other super efficient vehicles.

Maybe Ford should take a look at Doug Pelmear’s 1987 Ford Mustang before the 2010 Mustang rolls off the assembly line. According to him he has been able
to re-engineer his Mustangs engine to produce 400 Horsepower and 500 Torque while improving his gas mileage to an astounding 80 Miles per gallon. He created the car to compete in the $10 million Progressive Automotive X Prize which is a
“race” to find an affordable, marketable automobile that gets at least 100 miles per gallon, or its equivalent

Pretty amazing?! Hopefully it is true - you can check the rest of the story here.

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