Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Random stuff...

Here's some things going on.

1. As for the poll vote, Shanda only spent $20 on herself at Bath and Body works. The Lord answered my prayer and the things that she wanted were not available. :-)

2. We had the kick off for my campaign for a city council seat here in Courtenay. It was well attended by many friends. Shanda and I were overwhelmed with the support offered. it is going to be a fun ride!

3. Shanda and I got to cover the nursery for Sunday. It was interesting putting a little baby to sleep - it's been awhile He was crying and sniffling and rubbing his hands in his face. I guess that he got some on me because afterwards Shanda was pulling the dried snot off my face. I'm a bit of a germaphobe so that was interesting. It was really enjoyable with the kids for the most part (once we figured out how to get them to stop crying).

4. My election website should be ready to launch by next week. Watch for the official launch time here on the blog.

5. I'm heading to Africa on Sunday with Pastor Scott to do some training for pastors and leaders.


Alison, Jake, Addison, Avery and baby Bean said...

only $20! What did they not have?

Heather K said...

Hi Craig....wish I would have called you before you left...I'm not sure if you will be checking this from Africa or not.. I am curious to know the name of Charles' orphanage...The agency that we've been working with has recently opened up to Ghana...they are partnering with an orphanage there. We were thinking of going to Ethiopia....but maybe we should go to Ghana...I think we've pretty much made up our mind on Ethiopia but there is soo much need in many African nations. Ethiopia is having a terrible drought right now and they say that almost 20% of the population is starving..or at least in desperate need of food. I don't know if that is the case in Ghana...haven't done any research on that country yet. Anyway...take care...have a wonderful, safe trip and will talk to you when you get home.
love you little Brother!