I'm reading through the book of Judges right now. I just finished reading about Samson. I'm loath to say nasty things about him, but this guy was a bit nuts in some ways. Ok - maybe not nuts, but a bit of a tool.
Chapter 14 says how he sees this woman, tells his parents to set up the wedding. They are not wild about it for various reasons, which proves to be wisdom. (Alexandra - remember that!:-)) Anyway, i think that he wanted to make a little money for his honeymoon, so he has a little bet with his attendants. (again, another little lesson, don't gamble :-)) It they lose, the 30 of them would each give him a 'linen garment and a set of clothes'. If he loses, he'd give them each one. They can't solve it, so they threaten his wife to find the answer. She really works it. "You hate me! You don't really love me." because you wont tell me. (another little gem:that might have been a clue to pull out of the wedding) Then for 7 days (!)she cries about it and nags him until he gives in. She gives up the answer, he gets angry, kills some people to get the garments and walks out.
Think he learned about being a little more careful with people? NOOOO! 2 chapters later he meets up Delialah and she wants to know the secret of his strength (so she can sell him out). He wont tell her (i think he has trust issues now). She doesn't get the message that he is not ready to 'open his heart' yet.
She persists even though Samson gives excuses 3 times. yet - finally she pulls the "you don't love me card". v. 15 "how can you say, 'I love you', when you won't confide in me?" (THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALARM BELLS GOING OFF BY NOW!) v. 16 "With such nagging she prodded day after day until he was tired to death" (that's a direct quote from the NIV Bible).
Ends up Samson is caught, eyes are gouged out and he is imprisoned...
Let's review the fruits of nagging:
broken relationship
30 dead Philistines
stolen clothes
guoged out eyes
shallow relationships
So - still want to be a nagger?
1 comment:
Ok, Craig! like I said "nagging" really is one of my spiritual gifts. And I have been told by so many that I am really good at it :) Apparently this is a compliment?!?!
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