There is a dangerous new flu making the rounds in Mexico. World Health Organization officials are very concerned about the possibility of a pandemic worldwide. The disease has passed from animal to human and is now passing human to human in the same way as ordinary flu. However, the consequences are much more serious as our bodies do not know how to fight the virus. If you know anyone that has been to Mexico (especially Mexico city) in the past few weeks and now has flu like symptoms, it may be good to be checked out.
GENEVA — A new flu virus that has killed up to 81 people in Mexico — 13 more than previously reported — could start a global epidemic, the World Health Organization warned Saturday as the disease spread further in the United States and Mexico.
The Mexican government says the flu has probably killed 81 people, raising the likely death toll from 68, and that more than 1,300 people were believed to have been infected with the new strain, which causes severe respiratory illnesses.
Fears of a lethal pandemic lie in the nature of flu germs, which mutate readily and can become virulent by exchanging genes with related influenza viruses. While the H5N1 bird virus that spread across Asia in the last few years, killing millions of fowl and several hundred people, never gained genes to spread easily among humans, the Mexican swine flu already has, said Malik Peiris, a microbiologist from the University of Hong Kong.“The concern is that this virus has the ability to transmit from humans to humans because a number of the cases who got infection have had no direct exposure to swine,” said Peiris, who has studied the SARS and avian flu viruses. “That is certainly a cause for concern.” More here
UPDATE: 4 cases of swine flu confirmed in Nova Scotia, 2 in B.C.
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