When I was around 7 or 8, our family basically cancelled Christmas. As it has been explained to me, there was 2-fold reasoning behind this. First, there was a lot of 'theological' justification going around then that Christmas was a pagan festival. I'm not going to get into that here. Secondly, the excess of presents and celebration had apparently fostered entitlement and ungratefulness.
We originally had a tree with all the trimmings, presents, traveling out to the relatives in AB, decorations and a general festive feel. We went from that down to no tree, little if any decorations, 1 (one) present, no more trips to the relatives at Christmas and a general (at least for me) feeling of dread instead of celebration. I dreaded the calls from friends telling me the presents they got. I just wish we'd had caller ID back then! :-) Christmas went from being the happiest time of the year to pretty much just another day.
When I was about 16, we slowly worked our way back into celebrating Christmas. My brother and I went and got a tree and put it up. My sister, who worked at Home Hardware, brought home some decorations and we were in business!
I understand, what my parents were trying to do. Although I didn't like or agree with their method (then or n0w), they were attempting to be Christ focused and for that I'm thankful.
I really do like Christmas. It is possible that there are some pagan festivals that it replaced Yes, there is excess, ungratefulness and entitlement. HOWEVER, I am not going to let the wrong emphasis of some or the failings of others govern my behaviour. Let's replace those ideas and origins with an overt celebration of Christ's birth. Our family will CELEBRATE and WORSHIP this Christmas season.
Some of the things that we will do are:
...be intentionally thankful
...serve someone else
...vocally celebrate God's goodness
...regularly remind our family of the 'why' of Christmas
...give to those that can't give in return
...talk about the blessing of salvation
How will you intentionally keep CHRISTmas Christ focused?
Yes Craig...I remember...and remember feeling similarly about the whole thing...We also have felt Christmas to be mis-celebrated(is that a word??) and also want to find ways to celebrate what Christmas is really all about.
I love Christmas that is evident in our kids, but I was behind in reading the blog and I read down I could not help but be reminded of a poem I have somewhere tucked away when I was a young single mom. It was writen by Martin Bauxham and it told the story of real success. I wish I had it to share but one day I will send it along. Basically it tells that some measure success by fancy cars and dress but the real measure of success is the way your kids describe you when talking to a friend. We are so proud of your bid to make a difference in our community but most of all I hope you have overheard your kids telling Dad stories to a friend. You are a winner in their eyes!
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