Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Post Election

Well, thank you to all of you that supported me (from near and far)in so many ways in my recent run for Courtenay City Council. Since learning I didn't win, I've had one question put to me over and over. The question is, "How are you doing" often accompanied by a look suggesting I might need medication. The short answer is "I'm doing great". For you men that are satisfied with that answer, you can discontinue reading if you'd like.

The long answer is that I was running to win - and didn't. So that is a bit disappointing. However, I also talked with others in politics who prepared me for this by letting me know how rare it is to win on your first time out. I was a virtual unknown to much of the community. The 3 weeks in Africa (during the campaign) were a factor as well. I did get great feedback on my campaign from people on the doorsteps to emails and calls from strangers. I got 1,885 votes! I know that I don't have that many friends, so that was exciting to see.

The whole process was just great! I enjoyed going door to door, I enjoyed writing articles and taking phone calls. I enjoyed sitting at a table for an all candidates meeting. I enjoyed meeting with other candidates and jockeying for position with the voters. I must confess that I had moments where I did feel a bit awkward waving my sign on a street corner.

However, the biggest thrill was seeing many previously uninvolved people get involved. People knocked on doors, distributed flyer, stood on cold street corners, called strangers, emailed friends, gave money and generally supported me so thoroughly.

Finally, this will not be my last kick at the proverbial can. To me, this is more like a calling, a dream to be involved in politics and I'll keep exploring what that exactly looks like for me.

Eric Liddell, one of the runners in the movie, Chariots of Fire, said this, " I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure." I know God loves me and I'm excited to be right where He wants me. I have a wonderful family, I'm serving in a great church with a great pastor and team, and live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I'm blessed. On top of all that wonderful stuff, when I was running for office, I felt like Erik Liddell.


kim said...

Hey Craig, we weren't disappointed that you lost because we know what kind of man you are, and that you will do well in politics now that you have got your 'foot in the door'. Our take on it is that this was your year for public exposure. Word on the street is, and we're hearing 1/2-way across the world, that you have a good reputation and you impressed people when you went door to door. We know of people that don't even know you that are a friend of our family's and they have spoken quite highly of you. Glad that you are not giving up and that you have future plans.
Also, as you campaigned, Matt's class was reading Erik Liddell's book and it was a great inspiration to them in various areas, too! It was the theme of their spiritual retreat..."Something Greater than Gold..."
Congratulations on a job well-done.
Tris and Kim

Heather K said...

Craig I already told you what I thought about how the campaign went.
And by the sounds of the above comment things went really well. I think people like to see that you're an honest, family man that wants to see things improve for his children and future generations. Keep up the good that people have been introduced to you...who knows what's going to happen!? Maybe some other type of political involvement...who knows?!!?
Congrats~ brother of mine!
love ya!!