1. One man was voting for a few incumbents and was voting for change in the other 3 spots. He liked what he’d heard about me. He told me that I was on his list of six - which he showed me. I’m not telling the others. :-)
2. Another man said his issue was taxes - his taxes have gone up every year. He said it is just routine - another increase. I talked with him about my approach - hold the line on taxes (to the rate of inflation). I was able to tell him about the new ‘button’ we had just put on my website that outlined my position on taxes and debt. We chatted some more and upon leaving he let me know that I had his vote. Yah!
3. This was the most interesting…a lady opened the door and took my flyer. I asked her if there were any issues of concern. She looked at me and said, “How long have you been in the Valley?” When I told her that this was my 7th year here, she said, “No way then!” and slammed the door! Here I thought I’d shown my smarts by moving to the Valley, but apparently you have to live here for a certain length of time (does anyone know?) in order to actually be smart. I was going to ask what the number of years to become smart was, but thought that was one battle left unfought... *smile* and move on...
Hey friend,
Consider one such slam in your face to be the clapping in your favour by another.
I'm sorry we're so far away or your sign would be on our lawn. I guess I could put one here but not sure it would garner you any extra votes.
but your friends in Courtenay could probably use an email reminder to vote... :-) Thanks for the encouragement!
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