Layton, London Free Press, October 12, 2008 -
Layton dismissed Liberal leader Stephane Dion as ineffective, criticizing him for helping to keep Harper in power.
“If Stephane Dion’s not ready to do the job of Leader of the Opposition, he’s not ready to do the job of Prime Minister and that’s where I come into the picture,” said Layton, his voice drowned by cheers.
Dion, Liberal press release, October 11, 2008 -
Mr. Dion criticized NDP Leader Jack Layton for his proposal to put a $50 billion, job-killing tax increase on all Canadian businesses large and small. “Mr. Layton’s $50-billion tax on Canada’s employers and job creators means you won’t get that raise you need to make your mortgage payments. It means you’re going to be looking for work while your job is shipped overseas,” said Mr. Dion.
“It means tough economic times for each and every Canadian, regardless of what Mr. Layton is trying to tell you.”
On the issue of Mr. Dion not understanding a question Duceppe, "acknowledged that Mr. Dion should have answered the question.
"Nowadays, there is more pressure on Francophones to speak English well than there is on Anglophones to speak French well. I think there is a double standard. That being said, I believe that yesterday he had understood the question correctly, that it wasn't a language issue but a content issue. He (Dion) didn't know what to say. And that is a whole other problem," Mr. Duceppe said."
Here's the only thing that has changed. An absolute LUST for power.
A picture is worth a thousand words... All smiles, handshakes and 'buddies' now
No one voted for a Liberal NDP coalition. If they wanted to have one, they could have worked together during an election and brought it to the people. In fact, they were clear that they would not form a coalition government.
If they have a new vision (together) WHICH IS MUCH DIFFERENT THAN ANY WERE ELECTED ON that they cobbled together in the last week, the people deserve to put it to a vote.
Here's my solution. Harper and Conservatives prorogue Parliament until Jan 31. Then, present a full budget that outlines the plan for the nation's economy. Call a vote of confidence. They lose. Go to the GG and ask for an election. I believe that she would have a hard time refusing. That will be almost 4 months since the election, the government will have demonstrated a willingness to work with the suggestions of the oppostion and would rightly ask the GG to have the people decide if they want the Liberal Socialist Traitor Coalition vision to rule the country.
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