Since the rest of us will be taking a 'pay cut' by having higher taxes in the future to pay for their jobs, this Canadian Auto Workers statement is unbelievable, ridiculous, crazy and downright stupid!
Dec. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Canadian autoworkers don’t feel pressure to agree to further wage concessions to bolster General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC, union President Ken Lewenza said. “I resent the fact that wages are even getting any discussion because in Canada, 7 percent of the cost of a vehicle is related to wages,” the Canadian Auto Workers chief said today in a Bloomberg Television interview. The rest of the garbage is found here.
This article is from January of last year: With the Canadian dollar at par, CAW hourly wage and benefit costs of $75 to $80 an hour are $5 to $10 higher than the $70 (U.S.) to $80 figures in the United States, Mr. Stanford said. Higher productivity in the Canadian plants more than compensates for what now is a cost disadvantage here, he said.
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