Saturday, February 28, 2009
Adrenaline Junkie Self Test
Adrenaline Addict Self-Test
I drink caffeinated coffee or drinks to get or keep going.
I eat sugary foods / sugar to calm myself down.
I tend to over promise and then rush to get it done at the last minute.
I find some way to sabotage myself or a project, yet usually pull it off.
I tend to take on more than I really want because I feel I can.
I react strongly to the unexpected.
I find myself getting very upset or irritated (whether I show it or not) when people let me down, missdeadlines or do less-than-optimal work. Sometimes I take it personally.
I arrive at work rushed or already “on”.
I get grabbed by surprises and disturbances and then I can’t calm down for a day or more.
I feel an inner rush or lack of stillness or peace much of the time.
I’m the kind of person who tends to find the toughest way to get something done.
I drive more than 5 miles over the speed limit, tailgate or criticize other drivers.
I tend to run or arrive late, even if it’s not my fault.
I find that I attract more problems and disturbances than I feel I deserve.
Money is currently tight and I have been working on getting ahead, but haven’t.
It is difficult to focus on any one thing for more than 10 minutes at a time.
I don’t give myself plenty of time during the day for the things that are likely to come up.
I talk a lot even after people have stopped listening.
I please people to the point of feeling compulsive, regardless of appropriateness or cost.
Scoring: If you answered yes to 5 or more of these, welcome to the club. When you’re ready, willing and able, invest in outside counsel to get through this addiction. From here
Adrenaline Junkie Type #2
2. The Personal Deflector – this is the type that uses their addiction to keep from assessing themselves and reflecting on their situation. They often have problems in their personal lives – or no personal life at all – and the last thing they want to do is face up to that. So they convince themselves that they have no time for their personal lives; which, sadly, only exacerbates the problem and prolongs the pain of dealing with it.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Missing! Please Pray!!

Another prayer request!
We heard tonight that my cousin's wife's niece has gone missing as of late last night. She went to get something from the store with her dad's truck. A little later her dad noticed the truck was back...the lights were left on, the groceries were in the truck, but his daughter, Jordan, was nowhere to be found. Here is what my cousin's wife wrote. "Jordan is 16 and was last seen in the Penhold Shell. She was wearing a black sweater, pj pants and runners. Please phone (403) 227-3020 if you have any info."
There is no reason to suspect that she ran away or left. We are praying for her safe return.
If you know of people in the Central Alberta area, please forward them this post!
Rob Update #3
Rob has since come out of his sedation a couple of times. I believe it was Tuesday that Rob actually opened his eyes. Shannon was there to see him, so was Mom Pearson and Mrs. Blake amongst others. He has been given more sedatives in order that he not feel any of the pain that may be prevalent. We are seeing very positive outcomes and resurgence from his vitals and organs. Thank you to everyone who is thinking, praying and otherwise wishing good vibes for Rob and Shannon.
Adrenaline Junkie Type #1
Not all adrenaline addicts are the same. There are four types:
1. The Accomplisher – this is the classic type of adrenaline addict, the one who has an almost innate need to stay busy and cross things off a list (mental or actual) in order to feel productive. They like to be able to measure daily progress in terms of what they have completed, even at the expense of the bigger, longer term view. Accomplishers are most susceptible to developing an adrenaline addiction because they are prone to take on more and more work.
We'll go through the other 3 over the next day or so...
Are You a Junkie?

Are you someone that has trouble stopping? Trouble taking time to relax? Feel guilty if you slow down? Never take holidays and secretly resent those that do? Feel like everything depends on you? List maker and checker? You may have a problem...
Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, has this to say about adrenaline addicts:
Always overwhelmed, adrenaline junkies seem to have a constant need for urgency, even panic, to get them through the day. They cannot grasp the race driver’s motto: you have to slow down to go fast. Instead, they keep their foot on the pedal at full throttle, convinced that any deceleration is lost opportunity.
There is something particularly insidious about adrenaline addiction that makes it hard for many leaders to kick the habit. Unlike other addicts whose behaviors are socially frowned-upon, adrenaline addicts are often praised for their frantic activity, even promoted for it during their careers. And so they often wear their problem like a badge of honor, failing to see it as an addiction at all in spite of the pain it causes.
This is an issue that I've struggled with and continually must guard against. I'm going to post over the next few days about the various 'manifestations' (Accomplisher, Personal Deflector, Organizational Deflector, and Dramatist) of an adrenaline junkie and pass on some thoughts on how to overcome it and its destructive influence in our lives.
Fighting Global Poverty From the Comox Valley

The students at our Christian School will be participating in the World Vision 30 Hour Famine next week. It is great to see them building a life of service to others that flows out of a love for God. We're proud of you guys!
This is what is happening...perhaps you might join them?!
Our grade 6-10 students are invited to participate in The 30 Hour Famine on March 5th-6th. Our grade K-5 students are invited to participate in The 30 Hour Tech Fast on March 6th-7th
30 Hour Famine and Technology Fast is an international youth movement to fight hunger. It will bring our group closer together and to God, feed hungry children, and change our world forever. Students fast for thirty hours and raise funds to help feed and care for children around the world. By sacrificing and serving others, they are learning to think outside themselves and see the world as Christ sees it.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009

I made dinner tonight...and no one died. For this we give thanks. Actually, I do like to be the cook once in awhile. I don't have the skill of Shanda, or the creativity to do it on a regular basis, but I can read a recipe and follow it (for the most part).
I got pointed to this wonderful recipe for Curry Chicken by my sister-in-law, Tracie. It was very good over rice!
Here's the recipe. We'd recommend it!
Rob Update #2
Two days ago, Rob was taken off of the things that they used to put him into an induced coma. He has still not woken up. They are very concerned. They will be performing tests to see if there is any brain activity. Please pray for a miracle! Thank you.
Completely Different
Sunday, February 22, 2009
CV Political Scuttlebut #2
I (with about 7 others)met with Don McRae on Saturday morning. Don has obviously thought about this and had some well thought out answers. He is also well connected in the community - having been raised here, taught here for 14 years and a city councilor for 6 or 8 years.
Roberta Stevenson is new to the political scene but seems to have a solid business background and is assembling a campaign team with many federal Conservatives. Roberta seemed like a good communicator in the short talk she gave when I went to hear her at a 'meet and greet' on Saturday afternoon.
John Toogood is fairly well known in the community for his work with Habitat for Humanity. He seems to be a 'get things done' guy having led Habitat to get 3 houses built in Courtenay.
Shawn Wilson has a solid track record of community involvement with his work at the Salvation Army. He is a hard worker and has an intimate knowledge of the 'social justice' side of the scale. He'll give more on his qualifications at a news conference tomorrow. I hope to be able to attend it.
At this point, I'm undecided as to who I'll support. After talking to many different people in the community, I hear people ranking them this way (see below). I'm not saying I agree with these assessments, I'm just telling what I'm hearing:
- Don McRae
- Roberta Stevenson
- Shawn Wilson
- Jon Toogood
- Ken Dawson
If you want to be able to vote in the candidate selection meeting you need to be a BC Liberal party member. You can go here to get them to mail you a membership form. I wouldn't wait on this. You will need to have it into the BC Liberal headquarters by March 4, so you'll need to get on it. A quicker way might be to contact one of the candidates to sign up.
The nomination meeting will be held on March 12. Time and location TBA.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Want a Pet?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
It's Probably Time.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Open Gang Warfare

The provincial government is working on a response. Even the federal government is calling the area the 'center of gang activity' in Canada. Regardless of what they do, this is also a call to prayer for the church. In Romans 13, the Bible talks about one of the roles of government as being, "They are God's servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong" We need to pray for wisdom for these servants of God. What do you think the government should be doing? Vote on our poll at the top of the page!
VANCOUVER -- A four-year-old boy who witnessed his mother's shooting death was taken into provincial custody for his own safety Tuesday, as B.C.'s bloody February continued with the fatal shooting of a home invader, apparently shot by one of his victims.(his mom) Nicole Marie Alemy, 23, who was gunned down behind the wheel of a Cadillac in the Vancouver suburb of Surrey on Monday, was going home after picking up a birthday present, her uncle said a day later.
The car coasted through an intersection before a passerby steered it across a sidewalk and up onto the driveway.
Police arrived on the scene to find the woman dead and the little boy crying but unhurt. The boy was in the back seat of the car when his mother was shot.
In another incident on Tuesday's -- the 12th such shooting in February -- a south Vancouver mother watched in horror as two gunmen forced their way into her home and pointed a gun at her son.
Mabel Mohammed said the gunmen were asking for someone named Azim, whom Ms. Mohammed said the family does not know.
They then shot and wounded her son Aleem, 19, in the shoulder, she said.
His brother, Amir, then wrestled the gun away and shot one of the assailants dead, Ms. Mohammed said, adding that the other assailant fled.
"We are in danger. They came to the wrong house," she said.
After the Dentist
This is my 7 year old son who had an extra tooth removed last summer, 2008.
I had the camera because he was so nervous before and I wanted him to see the before and after.
He was so out of it after, I had to carry him out of the office. The staff was trying to keep from laughing. I had tears from laughing so hard. He is doing fine now and the teeth are great.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Rob Update
The following update is from our friend Chris (Rob's bro in law).
As most of you know, Rob is not well. Currently Rob is in stable condition at the Toronto General Hospital.
There have been many visitors lately and we know this is having a very positive impact on Rob's well being. For those of you who don't know, Rob has been in the ICU for over a week now. He is currently under a drug induced coma while the medical teams figure out what to do next. His heart is now stable and doing much of its work on its own. His kidneys are not back yet but his liver has recovered.
Rob will survive this battle; but his road to recovery will be long and arduous. We wish him well. All prayers thoughts and positive energy need to be sent his way ... and to Shannon.
We will try to update when possible.
Email if you have questions.
Coca Cola Heist
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Global Warming?
Global Warming? Climate Change? What is really happening? Is it as bad as some (Al Gore, etc.) have made out?
Experts at Britain's top climate research centre have launched a blistering attack on scientific colleagues and journalists who exaggerate the effects of global warming.
In an article published on the Guardian website, Dr Vicky Pope, head of climate change advice at the Met Office, calls on scientists and journalists to stop misleading the public with "claim and counter-claim".
Say it With Flowers #13

Happy Valentines Day! This is our final installment in our 'Say it With Flowers' segment. Thus, it is fitting that we end with a flourish! Here it is....
3 Red Roses - "I love you"
6 Red Roses - "I wanna be yours"
7 Red Roses - "I'm infatuated with you"
24 Red Roses "Can't stop thinking of you, 24 hours a day"
33 Red Roses - "Saying I love you with great affection"
99 Red Roses - "I will love you as long as I live"
100 Red Roses "Remaining passionate and devoted as a couple until a ripe old age" (+-$400)
365 Roses - "Can't stop thinking of you, each and every day"
999 Roses - "Everlasting and Eternal love"
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Valentine a Wife Really Needs
I wish my husband would love me by …
- Listening to me.
- Taking my “petty problems” seriously.
- Noticing me more - not just when he wants sex.
- Saying “thank you” for the things I do.
- Being interested in my life … at least acting like you’re interested.
- Showing affection when other people are around.
- Sharing his goals and values with me, talking his business over with me.
- Taking me out without the kids more - maybe just for a ride.
- Including me in the things he does.
- Just holding me in his arms and talking to me.
- Being tender - using kind, tender words.
- Helping in the discipline of the children.
- Accepting me just as I am.
- Spending more time with the family.
The Valentine a Husband Really Needs.
Some good insight on ways to reach your husband and grow the health of your relationship
1.Pray for him daily and trust God to answer your requests.
- Pray for his well-being, wisdom, protection, blessings, guidance, knowledge, spiritual maturity, success, purity, strength in temptation, etc.
- Look for God’s answers to your prayers.
- Thank God for working in your family.
- Thank God for your husband.
- Pray for your attitude.
3. Make a list of your husband’s qualities that you appreciate. Review and add to your list regularly.
4. Tell your husband what you appreciate about him. Tell others what you appreciate about him.
5. Don’t criticize your husband to others – especially your children.
Say it With Flowers #12
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Say it With Flowers #11

This is a very rare rose - but can by created in a variety of ways. If you find one, you are truly industrious!
Blue = "You're mysterious"
One Year to Go!

I went to a Chamber of Commerce event last night where Silken Laumann was the speaker. There was some mingling before with a great appy buffet from the chefs of the Kingfisher featuring bounty of the Comox Valley. Tender and tasty buffalo meat wraps, a grilled tuna that was a bit raw on the inside and sushi

Oh - back to the story. The great thing of the Olympics is that they often provide us with pictures of accomplishment and inspiration.
Silken was a 1992 Olympia who had a severe injury that severed tendons, ligament, had 200 pieces of wood stuck in it (another boat hit her) and generally mashed her leg just 10 weeks before the Olympics. She went from being a gold medal favourite to being told that she'd never row again and would walk with a limp for the rest of her life. She did not accept that prognosis, but went to work and ended up competing in the Olympics and winning a bronze medal! An amazing story of courage, passion and determination.
She said a particular quote about the power of dreams, "What lies between you and your dream realized is the belief that somehow, some way you are going to get there." In other words, belief or faith is a huge factor in your success.
Now that is just the power of human belief which God placed within us. I was challenged when I thought that when you put that with the fact that, as Jesus followers, we have God Himself behind us we should be the biggest dreamers for positive change! The world (our lives, families and communities) can, and should be, a different place as we allow God to dream through us!
What are you dreaming for? Is it bigger than you?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What Have They Been Smoking?

Ted Kindos faces two choices: Continue to be called a bigot or break the law. Either way, he risks going bankrupt.
Kindos owns Gator Ted’s Tap & Grill in Burlington. Four years ago, he asked a marijuana smoker to step away from his front door. The medically licensed toker complained to the Ontario Human Rights Commission of discrimination against a disabled person. He won.
Kindos was about to pay the fine and post obligatory signs saying, “We
accommodate medicinal marijuana smokers,” when a different government agency
told him he could lose his liquor licence. Serving anybody possessing a
controlled substance - prescribed or not - is against the law.Read the rest here
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Prayer Please

His heart is racing at high speeds and they are having difficulty getting it under control. They do not know yet what is causing this. Can you pray for Rob, please? Pray for healing. Pray for wisdom for the doctors. Pray for peace God's peace to be with them all in this difficult time.
Can you also please pass this post along to other praying people? We need to see a miracle.
Political Scuttlebutt.

On January 20, our local MLA, Stan Hagen, died suddenly. It was a tragedy, and he will be sorely missed. He was an honourable man who served well.
The jockeying and process to replace him has been underway since he passed. On Sunday afternoon, I went to the local constituency association AGM of the BC Liberal party to see what was happening.. While there, I was intrigued to find out the three that have already formally filed 'letters of intent' to become the candidate in the upcoming election. Those that have done this are: Jon Toogood who started Habitat for Humanity in Courtenay; Don McRae, curren Courtenay City Councillor and Roberta Stevenson, Executive Director of the BC Shellfish Growers Association.
Scuttlebutt at the meeting was that there are up to 5 more potentials...Paul Ives, Mayor of Comox; Ken Dawson recently defeated school trustee, Shawn Wilson of the Salvation Army, and a couple of others that I haven't heard about yet.
I've also heard that a certain network of Courtenay is going to get solidly behind Don McRae to get him elected. If that happens, a by-election would be necessary in Courtenay. Then, recently defeated Courtenay mayor, Starr Winchester, will run goes the story.'ll be interesting to see how it all plays out.
Say it With Flowers #9
Monday, February 9, 2009
Random Tidbits

On Saturday, I went with my dad, Anika and Alaina to look at a calf in Black Creek. I got out of the vehicle and left the keys in. Once I had located the farmer, I motioned everyone to come and check out the calves with me. They were nice looking - especially when pictured in the form of a t-bone steak. MMMM... We needed to get going to be back in time to get ready for Saturday night service. So we were in a bit of a hurry.
When we went back to the vehicle, we discovered that our dog, Bentley, had used the auto door lock to lock us out!! On top of that, the keys were in the ignition... We motioned and called him to come over to try and get him to 'unlock' it with his paw again. He looked at us all excited, started waggin his tail - but no unlocking. I went over to the other side. He was now really excited. I kept calling him to the spot where I thought he'd hit the switch. He stood on the switch. I yanked the door and it didn't work. He moved a bit and I heard it click and yanked the door open.
Grandma Update #3
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Guys like this...aarrgh
My husband Chris and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary on Valentine's Day this year. It has been just the best 20 years of my life and I'm so blessed to have him as my husband. The most romantic thing he's done for me during that time is written to me each week of our marriage (yes, every single WEEK) telling me how much he loves me and about the things that have happened to us during the past 7 days. He started this on the day we were married and it has now grown into what we call the "Journal of our Marriage". He's written about the good times, sad and bad times, and even just the plain boring times. What makes this even more special is that we both work - he does permanent night shift and I work during the day, so we don't get to spend an awful lot of time together, but this is his way of making a few special moments where all he concentrates on is me and our life together. So often men have trouble expressing their love in verbal form, let alone written, but I feel so cherished as I read each one.
Could anything be more romantic?
Canuck Jokes
The RCMP are cracking down on speeders heading into Vancouver. For the first offence, they give you two Vancouver Canucks tickets. If you are stopped a second time, they make you use them.
Q. What do you call 30 millionaires around a TV watching the Stanley Cup playoffs? A. The Vancouver Canucks
Q. How do you keep the Vancouver Canucks out of your yard? A. Put up a goal net.
Q. What do you call a Vancouver Canuck with a Stanley Cup ring? A. A thief.
Q. How many Vancouver Canucks does it take to win a Stanley Cup? A. Nobody knows and we may never find out.
Q. What do the Vancouver Canucks and possums have in common? A. Both play dead at home and are killed on the road.
Say it With Flowers #7
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Say it With Flowers #6
Friday, February 6, 2009
What Abortionists Don't Want You to Hear...
words fail me right now...I'm shocked...We need help
TAMPA, Florida — Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her 23-week pregnancy.Three days later, she sat in a reclining chair, medicated to dilate her cervix and otherwise get her ready for the procedure.
Only Renelique didn't arrive in time. According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.
What Williams and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic's owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant's umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.
At 23 weeks, an otherwise healthy fetus would have a slim but legitimate chance of survival. Quadruplets born at 23 weeks last year at The Nebraska Medical Center survived.
An autopsy determined Williams' baby — she named her Shanice — had filled her lungs with air, meaning she had been born alive, according to the Department of Health.
Yes or No
On Thursday night, I finished reading Organic Community by Joseph R. Meyers. It it he quotes a man by the name of Keith Johnstone: "There are people who prefer to say, 'yes', and there are people who would prefer to say, 'no'. Those who say 'yes' are rewarded by the adventures they have and those who say 'no' are rewarded by the safety they have."
Say it With Flowers #5
Newfie Bloc

(Danny Williams - left)
This is a dangerous precedent for a provincial leader to be directing federal politicians. We expect this pettiness from the Bloc Quebecois, unfortunately. However, federal politicians are supposed to weigh decisions based on the good of the entire Canadian federation, not regional issues. Regional issues are properly dealt with on a 'government to government' level, not by thuggish intimidation tactics as used by Premier Danny Williams. We risk descending into a country of regions, rather than the grand Dominion envisioned by our founders. We are better and stronger together than as individual regions working for self interest.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
FSA. A Waste or Necessary?
One is left wondering whether the union is mostly interested in killing off data that could suggest when its members are failing kids.Other professionals in B.C. -- doctors, lawyers, engineers -- embrace systems to reveal and correct mistakes and incompetence. BCTF members won't be viewed as full professionals until they do the same.
What do you think? Vote in the poll at the top of the pageThe BCTF is encouraging parents to write to school principals requesting that their children be excluded from the tests.
The union maintains the province should use random sampling methods instead of testing all students in reading, writing and math.
Know a Baby? Read this!

MONTREAL — For many parents, the baby's car seat has long been a magical spot where even the fussiest infant would finally drift off to a peaceful slumber.
But a Quebec coroner who examined the sudden death of a two-month-old boy has issued a stark warning: Parents who leave their newborns semi-reclined in car seats for hours on end are putting them at higher risk of sudden death by asphyxiation.
Dr. Robinson offered more detailed instructions: “A baby sleeps on his back, on a firm mattress, in his own bed, with no objects in the bed with him, not even covers, if it's possible.”
full details here.
Say it With Flowers #4
I'm Sure Some People Will Be Surprised and Disappointed...

Globe and Mail headline: Bumps in the road prove an idolized President is only human
(I am sure that Obama has never claimed any Messianic or god-like powers. However, I am amused at commentators who fawn over him like he is a messiah. I am poking fun at that position not Mr. Obama.)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
We Need Help
Pastor Scott led a discussion and prayer time in our staff meeting about our need as men and women to maintain an ever-present hunger for 'more'. Not more things, more clothes, more stuff, but rather more of the power and presence of Holy Spirit in our lives, families and church family. The enemy of best can too often be good.
Sometimes we can get too comfortable in life and miss the great needs of our world and our responsibility as followers of Jesus, to cooperate with Holy Spirit to see things change.
What is going on - or has gone on - in the life of this young man in the story below? We can blame lots of people and things and agencies, and I'm sure that there is a enough to go around. However, it underscores the deep need of the people of God to get 'hungry' for more to see a nation change.
A 13-year-old boy who has had 75 run-ins with the law over the past year was arrested by Vancouver police on the weekend for allegedly slashing a man who refused the boy's request for a cigarette.
The boy "flew into a rage" during a SkyTrain ride late on Sunday and started swinging a knife around, according to transit police spokesman Constable Tom Seaman. The 23-year-old victim was cut severely on his left hand, which he raised to deflect the blade.
This Must Drive Left Wingers Crazy
The left wing of the political spectrum has continually used the Iraq war as a battering ram against George W. Bush and his policies. The left almost 'cheer-led' defeat of the American forces, hoping to pin it on GWB. But in the face of intense opposition, when many wanted to 'cut and run, GWBush ordered the 'surge' and actually increased the number of American forces. He was committed to seeing this through. Although they are not out of the woods yet, it appears that the strategy has worked. Let's hope and pray that a bad situation has turned and that peace truly takes root there.
"As the interim results from Iraq's provincial elections trickle in it is becoming
obvious the vote has transformed the country and possibly the Middle East.Uncomfortable though it may be for some on the American left to admit, the ‘surge' continues to work, politically and militarily. The moment has come for the Obama administration to acknowledge what those fingers dipped in purple ink truly represent - a triumph for democracy."
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A Happy Ending...
A Saanich man missing in the woods for five days was found Friday, just hours from death.
Mike Marlon Wiger, 27, was saved when two men driving by the remote area southwest of Lake Cowichan discovered him in the passenger seat of his pickup truck, trapped in freezing conditions since Monday.
An amazing story here
Happy Birthday!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Say it With Flowers

Flowers are great for sending messages. Apparently, we can even 'say it with flowers'! In the interest of spreading lots of messages of friendship, joy and love (and the safety of men), I am going to do something. I'm not just going to sit by and watch.
I want to help my readers say the right thing - avoid mixed messages, no messages and unintended messages. No need for unnecessary pain and suffering! So, between now and Valentines, I will have a daily tip on what roses say what.
Here's Say it With Flowers tip #1: 1 Red Rose = "I like you"