Sunday, February 8, 2009

Guys like this...aarrgh

I read this post on a Promise Keepers blog and realized that I have a lot of work to do if I'm to get anywhere close to this. I'm lucky if I remember Valentines and other 'romantic' things and rarely think of something appropriate to do! Men like this guy below make life tough for the rest of us. Read this story as told by his wife...I'm going out to bang my head on the wall.

My husband Chris and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary on Valentine's Day this year. It has been just the best 20 years of my life and I'm so blessed to have him as my husband. The most romantic thing he's done for me during that time is written to me each week of our marriage (yes, every single WEEK) telling me how much he loves me and about the things that have happened to us during the past 7 days. He started this on the day we were married and it has now grown into what we call the "Journal of our Marriage". He's written about the good times, sad and bad times, and even just the plain boring times. What makes this even more special is that we both work - he does permanent night shift and I work during the day, so we don't get to spend an awful lot of time together, but this is his way of making a few special moments where all he concentrates on is me and our life together. So often men have trouble expressing their love in verbal form, let alone written, but I feel so cherished as I read each one.
Could anything be more romantic?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that's pretty amazing! and you know it's never too late to start something like this ;0) although w/ you honey i know it'd be pretty hard to improve on how great you are already!