Friday, February 6, 2009

Yes or No

On Thursday night, I finished reading Organic Community by Joseph R. Meyers. It it he quotes a man by the name of Keith Johnstone: "There are people who prefer to say, 'yes', and there are people who would prefer to say, 'no'. Those who say 'yes' are rewarded by the adventures they have and those who say 'no' are rewarded by the safety they have."

Too often we say no to possibilities that God sets before us. Maybe like me, you are tempted at times to comfortably settle into life and silently say 'no' to God, His call, and the need of our world. However, we cannot dream very big or see very much if we are 'no' people. No" gives us security - but also the prison of scarcity, predictability, sameness and pessimism. "Yes" opens a door to a plethora of possibilities, spontaneity, adventure and optimism. That sounds more like the kind of life Jesus lived...

I want to grow as a man for God.

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