Saturday, February 28, 2009

Adrenaline Junkie Self Test

Further to this, here's a little self test to see if you might be - or be on the track of being- an adrenaline junkie. Answer the questions below with a simple yes/no. Keep track of your answers.

Adrenaline Addict Self-Test

I drink caffeinated coffee or drinks to get or keep going.
I eat sugary foods / sugar to calm myself down.
I tend to over promise and then rush to get it done at the last minute.
I find some way to sabotage myself or a project, yet usually pull it off.
I tend to take on more than I really want because I feel I can.
I react strongly to the unexpected.
I find myself getting very upset or irritated (whether I show it or not) when people let me down, missdeadlines or do less-than-optimal work. Sometimes I take it personally.
I arrive at work rushed or already “on”.
I get grabbed by surprises and disturbances and then I can’t calm down for a day or more.
I feel an inner rush or lack of stillness or peace much of the time.
I’m the kind of person who tends to find the toughest way to get something done.
I drive more than 5 miles over the speed limit, tailgate or criticize other drivers.
I tend to run or arrive late, even if it’s not my fault.
I find that I attract more problems and disturbances than I feel I deserve.
Money is currently tight and I have been working on getting ahead, but haven’t.
It is difficult to focus on any one thing for more than 10 minutes at a time.
I don’t give myself plenty of time during the day for the things that are likely to come up.
I talk a lot even after people have stopped listening.
I please people to the point of feeling compulsive, regardless of appropriateness or cost.

Scoring: If you answered yes to 5 or more of these, welcome to the club. When you’re ready, willing and able, invest in outside counsel to get through this addiction. From here

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