Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Where's Waldo?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mexico at War

I was stunned when I read that over 7,000 people have been killed in a little over 2 years in Mexico. This is as a result of the Mexican government's decision to take a principled stand against the drug trafficking and the killing and corruption that go along with it.
With a population over 100 million people, there are nearly 50,000 troops and police engaged in this battle. Mexico is trying to break free from a culture of corruption and greed that has affected all of Mexico. There is some worry that this war may spill over into the USA border states.We have a friend in Culiacan, Mexico. In 2008, that area alone saw over 800 people killed.
The mayor of Ciudad Juarez, Jose Reyes Ferriz, said he “knew that some families had left to live in El Paso out of fear of the city’s violence,” but said that he had no figures.
Ciudad Juarez is the battleground in the power struggle between the Sinaloa and the Juarez drug cartels.
In escalating violence, the city of some 1.5 million has registered some 800 homicides so far this year.
That would be the equivalent of approximately 1000 killed in Greater Vancouver (GV)!! Can you imagine if 2-3 people per day were being murdered in GV? It's just mind-boggling.
When I read stories like this I usually have a couple of reactions. 1. Sad that many innocent people are killed in the crossfire of drug and gang wars. 2. Admiration and prayer for the government that will do what it takes to make their city safe. After all, that is a primary job of government. We have our own issues in Vancouver area with the UN gang and the Bacon brothers of Abbotsford, but nothing like this. We have much to be thankful for in Canada. Even being able to vote this past week without fear or intimidation - we are blessed. Besides it being our near neighbour, we also know missionaries there and have friends there. Please, let's keep Mexico in our prayers.
The LA Times has a full feature on it here.
Monday, May 11, 2009
It's Your Privilege and Responsibility.
We have the wonderful privilege and responsibility of being informed and then voting accordingly. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the election. Be thankful we have the freedom to vote - it's been paid for by our forefathers. Let's show our appreciation and gratitude by participating.
In my opinion, apathy or passivity is not acceptable in this area.
The polls are open from 8 - 8 in every riding.
Friday, May 8, 2009

We had Benny Perez yesterday morning. Benny is a Mexican American pastor with passion, depth, anointing and joy. On top of that, he's pretty funny!
Benny challenged us and reminded us of how important it is to rely on the strength of God. He shared his own challenges of even the past week - a friend who also attends their church, Las Vegas entertainer Danny Gans, died on Friday. Another pastor friend in LV fell morally.
Using the story of the man with the withered hand in Luke 6:6 and following, Benny mentioned that in the midst of our struggles of why? what? how come? etc. God wants us to reach out to Him.
Here's a few things that Benny said:
1. We all struggle in various ways. Jesus is not intimidated by our struggles. We all have them. Jesus embraces us in the midst of our struggles.
2. In His grace, Jesus reaches out to us, calls to us and doesn't sit by waiting for us to reach out to Him.
3. Religion is when we forget about hurting people and spend more time debating how and why we do things the way we do.
4. Apart from God, I can do nothing. With God, I can do whatever He calls me to do. (Moses, Jeremiah, Gideon)
5. God starts with people that struggle. He has the incredible power to turn our tests into testimonies and our mess into messages for Him.
Be encouraged. Jesus is calling out to us in the midst of our struggle. Stretch out your struggle to Him. Let Him do what only He can do.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Take Courage!

Our conference that we're attending is great. There are world class speakers, we are here with some of our church family, and the times of worship are awesome.
The speaker on the opening night was Rachel Hickson from England. She spoke on how we respond in these times of shaking. It is times like these that we need to 'take courage'.
We need to take courage in God and in His ability and power now more than ever. We need to act with belief and faith in the promises of God.
Very often our thinking processes and emotional reactions are contrary to the promises of God. Which will we follow? God or our emotions? Matthew 14:27 and Acts 4:13 notes that in the midst of pain, suffering and shaking for the disciples, it was noted that they were responding in an amazing way because they 'had been with Jesus" This tells us how important our relationship is with Jesus if we are to be effective and moving forward. 'Take Courage"!
What is shaking in your life? What is out of order and causing anxiety, fear and unbelief? Finances? Lack? Relational problems? Fear? I know that I need to take Courage in God and in Jesus - now more than ever!
Monday, May 4, 2009
My Place in the World...
We got a call the other night from Shanda's sister who informed us that her 3 year old son, Eli, wanted to talk to Shanda about him wanting to drive a ferry boat when he's big. He'd then drive it to see Aunty Shanda.
The conversation wound down so Shanda asked him if he wanted to talk to Uncle Craig. Not really he said, because he wanted to talk to our dog, Bentley. Eli was informed that Bentley was unable to come to the phone - I think he was sleeping. So Shanda asked Eli again if he'd like to talk to Uncle Craig. Eli said 'no, but can you ask Uncle Craig to wake up Bentley so he can talk on the phone?'!!
Nothing like a 3 year old to give you an idea of your place in the world!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Glowing Dogs?
I know that dogs are eaten by humans in Korea, but this is pretty extreme to keep the supply up... Not only cloning dogs, but cloning them to glow red?
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean scientists say they have engineered four beagles that glow red using cloning techniques that could help develop cures for human diseases.
The four dogs, all named "Ruppy" — a combination of the words "ruby" and "puppy" — look like typical beagles by daylight.
But they glow red under ultraviolet light, and the dogs' nails and abdomens, which have thin skins, look red even to the naked eye.
The rest of the craziness here..
Thursday, April 30, 2009
It's May?!
I am having fun right now. I'm tired, but it's great!
1. I am involved in a political campaign right now at the provincial level. That is fun on so many levels. I know that some of you might think that I should be in therapy probably, but this is me. :-)
2. I am enjoying the challenge of my new role as Director of Comox Valley Christian School. There is a learning curve, but there are great people already in place and a wonderful parent community as well.
3. I am preaching this weekend. I am thankful for the opportunities that Pastor Scott gives me to do this. He is a great communicator - and - he's also a great listener. When I'm preaching, his vocal encouragement and 'amens' are extremely helpful! Without fail his comments afterward are always encouraging. That makes a fun thing even more fun!
4. The warm sun.
5. The Canucks are still playing hockey. This series will Chicago will be a challenge, but the 'Nucks should be able to pull it out. They need to stay out of the penalty box and really take it to the 'Hawks if they are going to win this series.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
I love this time of year!
Once I got up, I started off the day by doing what any man loves to do. I rented some machines!! Ok, they weren't that exciting, but they were still pretty good. The aerator punched holes in the lawn to try and get the grass growing better.
After that, it was time to get the garden tilled. That took a fair bit of time and was pretty tiring. . I know it isn't tiring compared to using a pick and shovel like the rest of the world, but it was...ok it wasn't that bad.

Grandma Helen Brown is downsizing her garden so we are going to be using half of her garden space as well. So I went over and spent an hour getting Helen's half of the garden tilled. I will get to ours later.
Its great to get into spring!
Funny thing though - I was talking to a Telus operator while getting support for an issue with my phone. Usually when I'm waiting for something with an operator, I'll ask them where they are working from. This operator said she was from Calgary. So, I asked how the weather was. She said it was snowing and -5 Celsius and had been for 3 days! ha ha ha!! Not only do Albertans have 2 sucky hockey teams they can have snow at pretty much any month of the year!!
Canadians Should Expect Swine Flu to Worsen
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Dangerous Swine Flu IN BC

There is a dangerous new flu making the rounds in Mexico. World Health Organization officials are very concerned about the possibility of a pandemic worldwide. The disease has passed from animal to human and is now passing human to human in the same way as ordinary flu. However, the consequences are much more serious as our bodies do not know how to fight the virus. If you know anyone that has been to Mexico (especially Mexico city) in the past few weeks and now has flu like symptoms, it may be good to be checked out.
GENEVA — A new flu virus that has killed up to 81 people in Mexico — 13 more than previously reported — could start a global epidemic, the World Health Organization warned Saturday as the disease spread further in the United States and Mexico.
The Mexican government says the flu has probably killed 81 people, raising the likely death toll from 68, and that more than 1,300 people were believed to have been infected with the new strain, which causes severe respiratory illnesses.
Fears of a lethal pandemic lie in the nature of flu germs, which mutate readily and can become virulent by exchanging genes with related influenza viruses. While the H5N1 bird virus that spread across Asia in the last few years, killing millions of fowl and several hundred people, never gained genes to spread easily among humans, the Mexican swine flu already has, said Malik Peiris, a microbiologist from the University of Hong Kong.“The concern is that this virus has the ability to transmit from humans to humans because a number of the cases who got infection have had no direct exposure to swine,” said Peiris, who has studied the SARS and avian flu viruses. “That is certainly a cause for concern.” More here
UPDATE: 4 cases of swine flu confirmed in Nova Scotia, 2 in B.C.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Life Update
I have been having computer issues both with home computer and with my laptop.
Here's some of what has been going on.
I have been appointed as 'School Director' at Comox Valley Christian School. This is basically to have the oversight of the day to day operations of the school. CVCS is part of what God has called our Church to in equipping the generations to be what God has called them to be. It is part of our mandate to see the Kingdom of God touch the world. It poses new and interesting challenges on a variety of fronts for me. I'm looking forward to seeing God at work as we move forward.
John and Eloise Bergen spoke at CVCS chapel as well as our 50+ conference and our weekend services. They have a powerful, sobering and impacting testimony. After being attacked and brutally assaulted in Kenya last July- left for dead in fact - they responded with forgiveness. The presence of God is evident on their countenance and in any interaction with them. Listening to the story was very intense for me personally. In talking with others in our life, we realize that very often we are not quick to forgive. And most of the time, our issues tend to be about relatively minor or trivial things.
John also noted something that is food for thought. He said that what is inside a toothpaste tube comes out when pressure is applied. Similarly, what is actually inside of us (anger, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, etc.) will come out through our lives. We often want to point the finger to blame a situation for 'causing' our attitude. However, we need to ask Jesus what is going on inside of us instead and ask Him to bring healing to our lives.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
We Want to Die in Each Other's Arms.
The sanctity and value of life is continually under assault. There's a new front opening in Switzerland that we will probably have to engage at some point here in Canada. I really love my wife, but this creeps me out.
The head of a controversial assisted-suicide group in Switzerland says he will seek legal permission to help a Canadian woman and other healthy people like her kill themselves, raising startling new issues in the emotional debate over euthanasia.
Betty Coumbias, an elderly Vancouver resident, has indicated she wants to die alongside her husband, George, who suffers from severe heart disease.
Mrs. Coumbias explains in the documentary, The Suicide Tourist, why she would take her own life despite being generally healthy.
"From the day we got married, [my husband] was all my life," she tells Mr. Minelli. "I love my two daughters, but I love him more, and I don't think I can face life without him, and since we read about Dignitas, we felt what would be better than to die together, you know, to die in each other's arms?"
The article goes on to say:
People sometimes want to die after losing a spouse because of pure loneliness, but the condition is not irreversible, argued Prof. Somerville. She recalled a doctor telling her at a conference in the Netherlands, which has a similar liberal approach to assisted suicide as Switzerland, about how she gave a lethal injection to an elderly woman who had repeatedly asked to die after her husband had passed away. Prof. Somerville said she asked the physician if anyone had suggested simply buying the lonely woman a cat.
"She said, ‘No, but what a remarkable idea. Next time we'll try that.' "
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
10% drinks 53%

A study from the University of Victoria's Centre for Addictions found that a few people actually drink the majority of alcohol. I was astonished at the figures.
The study, based on a national telephone survey of 13,909 people, found that 53 per cent of the alcohol consumed across the country goes to a heavy-drinking 10 per cent of Canadians in the 15-and-over age range.That's a lot of alcohol by a few people. Some individuals and families are paying a high price mentally, emotionally, and financially. It's important that we have grace for and are available to help those that struggle with this issue.
Go Canucks Go!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Christmas in April!
The Canucks missed out last year, but this year they are one of the hottest teams in the league over the past 2.5 months. They will be playing St. Louis Blues to begin the playoffs,. St. Louis rode the best record in the NHL over the 2nd half of the season to climb from 15th to 6th place.
Its going to be a tough one...

It is a best of seven game series.
Here's how it matches up for me:
Goaltending - Canucks
Defence - draw - St. Louis has better mobility on defense; Canucks have more experience and a bit more physical.
Forwards - slight edge to Canucks; 1 great line, 2 solid lines and a strong 4th line.
Intangibles - slight edge Vancouver. Both teams have battled adversity, but I think Vancouver is a bit hungrier. Both were written off earlier in the season, but are now meeting in the playoffs.
Prediction: Canucks in 6
What do you think?
Saturday, April 11, 2009

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — Authorities say two Port St. Lucie woman tried to steal nearly $200 worth of merchandise from a Wal-Mart but got caught because they left packets of recently developed pictures in their abandoned shopping carts.
Police say a self-checkout cashier noticed two women scan and pay for $70 worth of items Thursday, but the bagged groceries in their carts appeared worth much more. When the cashier asked to see their receipt, the women took off.
Among all the merchandise that hadn't been paid for, store officials found two packets of recently developed pictures. The cashier identified the women in the photos, and the name and phone number on the envelopes turned out to belong to one of the women.
Both women face retail theft charges.

My new political commentary blog is launching today. Click here to get there. If that doesn't work, you cna go to
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Do You Have to be Told?

With people doing stupid things and many associated lawsuits, companies have to be very specific about what their product can and cannot be used for. But you'd think that there has got to be a limit to people's stupidity...
Apparently not. According to that classic book, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader these are actual warning labels!
On children's cough syrup: "Do not drive car or operate machinery."
On a motorcycle mirror: "Objects in the mirror are actually behind you."
On a box of sleeping pills: "May cause drowsiness"
On a bag of peanuts: "This product contains nuts"
On an iron: "Never iron clothes on the body"
On a hammer: "Do not use to strike any solid object"
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
They 'should be shot'?

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams hit a new low with his rhetoric, even by his standards. He affixes nasty names to people that disagree with him. I can even understand his frustration in the article below, but saying people should be 'shot' for mistakes they made (and they were serious)???? Holding people accountable, discipline, firing, whatever, but his language is WAY over the top, inflammatory, and irresponsible for someone in his position. He should immediately apologize. I don't think he will though...
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams lashed out Monday at the province's largest health authority, accusing Eastern Health of downplaying revelations that it had missed dozens of breast cancer patients in a massive retesting exercise.
Eastern Health, meanwhile, on Monday disclosed that it had somehow missed 43 patients, up from the 38 patients the authority had revealed late Friday afternoon in a news release.
"It's disgraceful. They should be shot over there," Williams told reporters outside the legislature, attacking how Eastern Health had released information about the cancer patients whose hormone receptor tests now have to be retested
Monday, April 6, 2009
Coming Soon
Why politics? I was raised on oatmeal porridge and politics, I think. My grandfather, mom and her brother have all whetted my appetite in this area. It is an area that I feel God would have me use my gifts and talents in. I attended my first real political party event at the age of 15. I listen to talk radio and have been know to mock 'stupid answers' by politicians and callers alike. I've lead political action campaigns (complete with megaphone...). I've been involved behind the scenes (door knocking, telephones, etc.) with municipal and federal campaigns. If you hang around me very long, I'll probably end up talking politics - local, provincial, federal or international. I am intrigued by the political process. I have even been known to watch the CPAC (Canadian parliamentary channel) for fun.
In any case, with a provincial election looming, there will be much to comment on. I'll put up the web address for the 2nd blog soon. It's going to be fun. My first post will be of great interest to Comox Valley residents...30+ million reasons for interest.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Swearing Lesson at School
A British school was blasted Friday after kids as young as 11 were told to shout obscenities during a lesson in swearing.
This happened at a school in Britain. It makes me wonder if things like this happen in Canada?
Expletives were written on a blackboard before a teacher explained their meaning to 30 seventh graders.
S.t Laurence School in Bradford on Avon, Wilts, claims it was part of a sex and relationship education program to "dispel" the myths of swear words.
But parents say they were not consulted by head James Colquhoun about the class and say kids were left "deeply upset."
One parent said: "This is a total disgrace. Our children go to school to gain an education, not qualifications in swear words. Most kids had no idea what the words meant and were forced to grow up faster than their parents want. Heads should roll for this."
Some pupils claim the teacher told them not to tell parents about the lesson.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Why Go To Church?
A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."
This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:
"I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this.. They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!" When you are DOWN to nothing... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"Mr. President, That's Not True"
In the continuing debate over human caused global warming, this is an interesting perspective towards Mr. Obama's 'settled science' on climate change...
We, the undersigned scientists, maintain that the case for alarm regarding climate change is grossly overstated. Surface temperature changes over the past century have been episodic and modest and there has been no net global warming for over a decade now. After controlling for population growth and property values, there has been no increase in damages from severe weather-related events. The computer models forecasting rapid temperature change abjectly fail to explain recent climate behavior. Mr. President, your characterization of the scientific facts regarding climate change and the degree of certainty informing the scientific debate is simply incorrect.
Here's who the scientists are.
We're Expecting!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Be Careful Little Feet Where You Go
I guess in the 21st century, there's another level of 'watching where your feet' go as as a man in Britain discovered recently...and this is coming to Canada too.
She saw the Range Rover while using the Internet giant's new Street View service to snoop on a female friend's home.
The hubby had claimed he was away on business, but his missus recognized his SUV immediately because of its blinged-up hubcaps.
The love cheat is not the only husband trapped by Google's controversial new 360-degree photo search, which covers 25 cities and towns throughout Britain.
Top media lawyer Mark Stephens said: "I was talking about the Range Rover case when another divorce lawyer came up to say his firm was dealing with the same sort of thing. People are getting caught out on Google. I suspect the husband's lawyers will claim it was an invasion of privacy that will cost him his marriage and Range Rover."
Friday, March 27, 2009
Crime Scene

My mom's vehicle was also gone through but she didn't have anything in it that was 'stealable'.
That is about the 4th time this has happened at our house in the past year. My other truck has had the window pried open a couple of times and my paint ball gun stolen from it.
It's ticking me off...I'm really cheerleading for this now!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Cut The Fat

The National Citizen's Coalition feel that all federal politicians should take a 5% pay cut, freeze hiring in the civil service and thoroughly examine all expenditures. If you'd like to sign the petition in agreement of this position, go here.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Real Justice

However in Canada, prisoners can get out after having served only 1/3 of a sentence. So, in this case the offender could be released right away (on probation).
Defence lawyers have said that this is necessary guideline for protection of prisoners' rights. Clayton Ruby, one of Canada's leading defence lawyers, called Canadian detention centres "hellholes" and "a humiliation."
Like their time in a pre-trial center is any hardship compared to victims that have been stolen from, raped, mugged, and otherwise traumatized, but I digress...
Some feel that the accused have intentionally delayed their trials so that they could stay in pre-trial longer and get 2 for 1 credit.
Well, NO MORE! -- thanks to the Conservative government which is going to take away the discretion of judges in this. Prisoners will no longer get a 2 for 1 deal. They will have to 'do the time' (which is already often very light!) to pay for their crime.
Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said, "I think this will have the effect of unclogging the courts. I think individuals or their solicitors will not find it to their advantage to have continuous delays or adjournments and so I think this will help move the process forward," he said.
Full details here
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Relevant or Revolutionary?

I was really challenged when I heard this quote from Matthew Barnett on Sunday..."If you want to be relevant, raise awareness of a problem. If you want to be revolutionary, do something to solve the problem."
That's a challenging statement no matter what the issue or problem that comes into view. Using this definition, I want to be more than relevant. However, too often I think that is what I've settled for.
Each of us come into contact with issues - some of which we are uniquely qualified to engage with our gifts/skills/talents, while others not so much. We will need the guidance of Father God to see which we are CALLED to. However, I think that too often we (or at least I) brush things off as being beyond us. I need to pray into the issue until the 'burden' of the problem lifts. If it doesn't lift, I believe that I need to ask Father what action He wants me to engage in.
Although it isn't always easy, I really think that I although I can't do everything I MUST be involved in doing my part and using my gifts/skills to solve certain issues that God places before me. With the help of Jesus, I will do my best to leave my rut for someone else to live in.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
As I sat to listen to Pastor Matthew Barnett, one of the foremost Christian leaders in America, I was both surprised and encouraged. Pastor Matthew was talking about how important it was to be a church that lived and operated in the supernatural and by the power of Holy Spirit.
Surprised why? Aren't they already operating in the supernatural?This is a church that has over 200 ministries that serve the city, they visit and feed the poor, they house the homeless, they disciple the addict, they rescue the prostitute, and on and on it goes.
YES, and here's the encouraging part - they don't ever want to become a church of 'good works'. Pastor Matthew was reminding himself and the church that everything that they do or hope to do - amazing things that are happening today and that God has yet in stor
Here's some quotes from Pastor Matthew's talk -
"We go in and out of supernatural strength way too much in our calling. We need the presence of God in and through our lives. Let God minister to you regularly. We must never only be a people of good works but must be built on prayer and times of refreshing in the presence of God. This is God's work that is far beyond what we are able to do.This is also what we are hearing from God for our Church family. God is speaking the same thing to His people no matter where we are. "Be hungry for relationship with Me!"We need Him and His strength if we are going to see a world changed. Nothing less will do...
Compassion without the favour of God is not enough." We must live in the supernatural filling of God."
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Arrows of the Lord
Another one of the highlights of Saturday was for Shanda and me was to be there with Tristen and Clara. They were part of our church’s Master’s Commission. They are both serving now in the LA Dream Center / Angelus Temple (Foursquare Church) They're pictured here with Alexandra in front of Angelus Temple - built in 1923 by Amy Semple McPherson, the founder of the Foursquare Church movement.
Anyhow, we watched in amazement as Clara (she’s the block ‘pastor’) fluently gave instructions in Spanish (learned while serving), saw people come up to her and give her hugs and greet their ‘pastor’. Clara comes here on a weekly basis, although her main ministry is Metro Kidz. At Metro Kidz she goes out into the places others don’t want to go (gangland) and gives kids hope, the love of God and a vision for a better future.
Tristen volunteers at other ministries although her main ministry is coordinating the delivery of all the tons of food donations to the
At the end of it all, we gathered in a circle and Clara went off praying in Spanish as these precious people gathered around to pray and be prayed for. More than food – hope, encouragement and love were given in large quantities.
These girls arrived to our MC in 2004…look what God has done in and through them as they have hungered after Him and followed His leading. No passivity, no procrastination – simple hunger and following the leading of Father. One prophetic word over Northgate is that there will be ‘arrows of the Lord’ (people) sent out or shot out to the nations. These girls are two arrows…shot out and making a difference. It’s a family sending out family seeing His ‘kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Northgate readers you can be proud. We were moved to tears and are proud to be part of a church family that sends out such as these.
Kids In Action
Well, Saturday was a great day. We started the day off with Adopt-A-Block with the LA Dream Center. This is a program where hundreds of people head into various neighbourhoods that are troubled and disadvantaged. To name a few; they go to the downtown hotels, skid row, gang areas, and among the working poor. Our particular site was into a dead end street surrounded by old old walk up
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Holiday Time

Friday, March 13, 2009
CV Political Scuttlebut #4
I have heard that at least one (and possibly two) of the losing candidates would not be helping the winner. I certainly hope that is not true. If this riding is going to be won, there will need to be unity from all the members - and far beyond words. There will need to be time, work and effort put into getting Don elected. It's easy to talk about how you'll support whomever wins, but action speaks far louder.
Rob Update #5
Things have improved this weekend. He is again off the vent and is breathing well with no oxygen help at all. He is in good spirits. He has started to eat real food and has been told he should be able to eat a subway sub by Wednesday. He will be working with various physiotherapist's and speech therapist's this week and may have another embolization. I left his black berry with him tonight so he will be getting through e-mails slowly but surely. He is still a bit groggy and has most moments of lucidity with some moments of confusion, he assures me that his mind is coming back though. We are very grateful for the amazing care he has been receiving in the cardiac ICU unit at the Toronto General Hospital and of all the progress he has made through his own sheer determination. Thanks to all for your positive thoughts and prayers...keep them coming!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Transferable Ballot

This is an explanation of the way that the candidate will be chosen in the Comox Valley BC Liberal race. It should be exciting as there are apparently now 600 members in the riding. There were just over 100 that showed to vote at the NDPs candidate selection meeting...
Wikipedia: The contingent vote is an electoral system used to elect a single winner, in which the voter ranks the candidates in order of preference. In an election, if no candidate receives an absolute majority of first preference votes, then all but the two leading candidates are eliminated and there is a second count. In the second count the votes of those who supported eliminated candidates are distributed among the two remaining candidates,(that is, their 2nd or 3rd choices) so that one candidate achieves an absolute majority.I believe that the BC Liberals eliminate the bottom one and go from there. This description is the closest that I have found to match with what I've been able to glean at various meetings.
CV Political Scuttlebut #3

Well, there are 4 people fighting to be the BC Liberal candidate for Comox Valley in the May election. You can read more about the individuals here. I want to make an informed decision at the vote on Thursday. Jon Toogood did not have any campaign events (at least that I heard about). I did go to hear the rest of them speak. Here's my impressions:
1. Roberta Stevenson has the potential to be a strong candidate. She has a varied and strong background. Her presentation was just ok. She is obviously new at the game. She is good at 'one on one' and making people feel welcome and included. At the event that I went to, there were about 60 people at it. I saw several federal Conservatives there to support, back and mentor her. I don't know if she has the political connections or the profile to take her over the top.
2. Don McRae performed very well at his 'meet and greet'. There were 170 or 180 people at it. The people at it are 'well connected' people. Paul Ives, mayor of Comox; Starr Winchester and Ron Webber, former mayors of Courtenay; Murray Presley, Courtenay Councillor; Ken Grant, Comox Councillor and some prominent developers and business people. I did notice that although the majority were definitely 'gray heads', there were a lot more younger people there (under 40 seems to be 'young' in politics). I think Don has a great profile of 7 years as Courtenay councillor, growing up and working in the Valley as a teacher. Don also spoke very well and seemed to have a good grasp of the issues without appearing like a 'know-it-all'. I think that he is the one to beat.
3. Shawn Wilson. Shawn had about 50 people at this event. He came into the race later for some reason. Shawn has a good business background as well as a solid reputation and fairly good visibility around town. I think that Shawn may also be able to appeal to some of the undecided that are more 'socially minded' than people think the BC Liberals generally are. Shawn seemed comfortable speaking with people. His talk, although clearly showing knowledge, unfortunately. didn't project a lot of passion. He did talk a lot about working to attract business and investment to our Valley, which is something that I'd like to see.
4. Jon Toogood - no speeches, no newspaper ads, no website, no news conference - makes it hard to judge anything (positions, approach, ideas, etc.) beyond what I know personally of Jon. I don't know Jon well, but I have observed that Jon's a guy that wants to contribute and is a 'get it done' kind of guy.
I think that this is Don's to lose. Roberta, with the backing she has, should be 2nd. However, with the preferential style ballot, Shawn could benefit. If he is the 2nd choice of a lot of people, he could come up the middle as the winner. If you want to understand how the preferential ballot works, look for a post later today or tomorrow.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Spiritual Warfare / Favour

While I have been preparing, I have realized that I've come to a resignation to some situations in my extended family. I hadn't realized that this is something that I've grown passive about! Well, no more! As God has directed us, I'm going to pray and contend and seek after God to see relationships restored to what God intended them to be. I'm walking in a season of unprecedented, unparalleled favour of God - and I'm going to ask, seek, and knock to see it released in my family!! (Matt. 7:7-11)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Living HIS Mission

It is great to see our staff and students seeking to actively living out what Jesus did, who "went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil"(Acts 10:38) It also shows the world that Jesus is alive! We're promised that people will see the good works and glorify God because of them. (Matt. 5:16, 1 Peter 2:12).
As we proclaim the gospel with words, our willingness to help and bless others gives a greater credibility to our message. It opens the door for people to hear the good news. If you look at successful missionaries of history, as well as those of today, they have always put good works (clinics, hospitals, skill training, clean water, education, orphanages, leper treatment, etc.) together with the proclamation of the good news. However, it is important to note that it is always right to be a blessing to others - even if they do not respond to the gospel.
In our day to day life it is very important that we be dispensers of God's grace and favour - that is what Jesus modeled! That is also what these students are participating in and modeling - lovers of Jesus and lovers of people. We're proud of our students!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Favour Update #2
Rob Update #4
Hopefully Never in Canada...

O'Leary whipped up a frenzy of indignation and potty humor Friday as he suggested that future Ryanair passengers might be obliged to insert a British pound coin before they gain access to in-flight relief.
As always, O'Leary suggested a separate toilet fee would lower ticket costs and make flying, somehow, easier for all. Nobody, even his own aides, seemed to be sure if he was serious or pursuing his well-documented penchant for making brazen declarations to win free advertising.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Favour Update
Adrenaline Junkie Type #4
Adrenaline Junkie Type #3
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Adrenaline Junkie Self Test
Adrenaline Addict Self-Test
I drink caffeinated coffee or drinks to get or keep going.
I eat sugary foods / sugar to calm myself down.
I tend to over promise and then rush to get it done at the last minute.
I find some way to sabotage myself or a project, yet usually pull it off.
I tend to take on more than I really want because I feel I can.
I react strongly to the unexpected.
I find myself getting very upset or irritated (whether I show it or not) when people let me down, missdeadlines or do less-than-optimal work. Sometimes I take it personally.
I arrive at work rushed or already “on”.
I get grabbed by surprises and disturbances and then I can’t calm down for a day or more.
I feel an inner rush or lack of stillness or peace much of the time.
I’m the kind of person who tends to find the toughest way to get something done.
I drive more than 5 miles over the speed limit, tailgate or criticize other drivers.
I tend to run or arrive late, even if it’s not my fault.
I find that I attract more problems and disturbances than I feel I deserve.
Money is currently tight and I have been working on getting ahead, but haven’t.
It is difficult to focus on any one thing for more than 10 minutes at a time.
I don’t give myself plenty of time during the day for the things that are likely to come up.
I talk a lot even after people have stopped listening.
I please people to the point of feeling compulsive, regardless of appropriateness or cost.
Scoring: If you answered yes to 5 or more of these, welcome to the club. When you’re ready, willing and able, invest in outside counsel to get through this addiction. From here
Adrenaline Junkie Type #2
2. The Personal Deflector – this is the type that uses their addiction to keep from assessing themselves and reflecting on their situation. They often have problems in their personal lives – or no personal life at all – and the last thing they want to do is face up to that. So they convince themselves that they have no time for their personal lives; which, sadly, only exacerbates the problem and prolongs the pain of dealing with it.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Missing! Please Pray!!

Another prayer request!
We heard tonight that my cousin's wife's niece has gone missing as of late last night. She went to get something from the store with her dad's truck. A little later her dad noticed the truck was back...the lights were left on, the groceries were in the truck, but his daughter, Jordan, was nowhere to be found. Here is what my cousin's wife wrote. "Jordan is 16 and was last seen in the Penhold Shell. She was wearing a black sweater, pj pants and runners. Please phone (403) 227-3020 if you have any info."
There is no reason to suspect that she ran away or left. We are praying for her safe return.
If you know of people in the Central Alberta area, please forward them this post!
Rob Update #3
Rob has since come out of his sedation a couple of times. I believe it was Tuesday that Rob actually opened his eyes. Shannon was there to see him, so was Mom Pearson and Mrs. Blake amongst others. He has been given more sedatives in order that he not feel any of the pain that may be prevalent. We are seeing very positive outcomes and resurgence from his vitals and organs. Thank you to everyone who is thinking, praying and otherwise wishing good vibes for Rob and Shannon.
Adrenaline Junkie Type #1
Not all adrenaline addicts are the same. There are four types:
1. The Accomplisher – this is the classic type of adrenaline addict, the one who has an almost innate need to stay busy and cross things off a list (mental or actual) in order to feel productive. They like to be able to measure daily progress in terms of what they have completed, even at the expense of the bigger, longer term view. Accomplishers are most susceptible to developing an adrenaline addiction because they are prone to take on more and more work.
We'll go through the other 3 over the next day or so...
Are You a Junkie?

Are you someone that has trouble stopping? Trouble taking time to relax? Feel guilty if you slow down? Never take holidays and secretly resent those that do? Feel like everything depends on you? List maker and checker? You may have a problem...
Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, has this to say about adrenaline addicts:
Always overwhelmed, adrenaline junkies seem to have a constant need for urgency, even panic, to get them through the day. They cannot grasp the race driver’s motto: you have to slow down to go fast. Instead, they keep their foot on the pedal at full throttle, convinced that any deceleration is lost opportunity.
There is something particularly insidious about adrenaline addiction that makes it hard for many leaders to kick the habit. Unlike other addicts whose behaviors are socially frowned-upon, adrenaline addicts are often praised for their frantic activity, even promoted for it during their careers. And so they often wear their problem like a badge of honor, failing to see it as an addiction at all in spite of the pain it causes.
This is an issue that I've struggled with and continually must guard against. I'm going to post over the next few days about the various 'manifestations' (Accomplisher, Personal Deflector, Organizational Deflector, and Dramatist) of an adrenaline junkie and pass on some thoughts on how to overcome it and its destructive influence in our lives.
Fighting Global Poverty From the Comox Valley

The students at our Christian School will be participating in the World Vision 30 Hour Famine next week. It is great to see them building a life of service to others that flows out of a love for God. We're proud of you guys!
This is what is happening...perhaps you might join them?!
Our grade 6-10 students are invited to participate in The 30 Hour Famine on March 5th-6th. Our grade K-5 students are invited to participate in The 30 Hour Tech Fast on March 6th-7th
30 Hour Famine and Technology Fast is an international youth movement to fight hunger. It will bring our group closer together and to God, feed hungry children, and change our world forever. Students fast for thirty hours and raise funds to help feed and care for children around the world. By sacrificing and serving others, they are learning to think outside themselves and see the world as Christ sees it.