Here's the surprise. Is it a baby? Are we adopting? Are we moving to foreign lands? No, no and no. In fact, this is something that has taken me about 22 years to do.
The Big Announcement is... I am running for city council (Courtenay) this November. It is time. The baby buggy hint wasn't dishonest! As all politicians are known for kissing babies to get votes - that was it. :-) So there you have it. I welcome your thoughts and prayers and support! feel free to comment in the comments section. Thanks again! I'll blog on it later, but am going to a political meeting right now!

After I read your blog this morning I had tthis weird thought...he's gonna run for City Council....You have my vote...
Good on you Craig. Going to do that in your spare time eh? You will be wonderful and you have our vote and support already. Joseph says he will put up signs, deliver flyers and whatever it takes to get you elected. When do we start. Blessings. Joseph & Lori
OOO! It was fun to be in on the big secret a day before! I am excited for you....and of course you have my vote too!!!
YAY! PASTOR! you totally have my vote :D :D :D and im here to help!!
This is such great news!!! We are behind you 100% - votes and all.
Wow! Didn't see that one coming. That is great. I'd vote for you, except that could cost you the election... I live in Comox. (Voting fraud and all...!) Thank you for setting an example for the rest of us. This is awsome!
Hey that's great Craig...looking back I can see this is something that would totally suit you! You'll do great! I'd vote for you too but It's too far to drive besides...I don't think they'd take too kindly to a Pentictonite trying to vote in Courtenay! I'm glad to see that you will have a great support network backing you..willing to do some legwork by the sounds of things!!
take care!
love ya brother of mine.
I HATE your word verification!!! It challenges my typing skills..and apparently they are lacking!! :P
Congratulations on pursuing something big. One day someone will be writing on their Facebook profile "I shook Mr. Millar's hand!!!" Thanks for sharing with us. If we were able, you'd get our vote. We'll definately pray! Isn't it convenient that you have a wife that loves politics and who loves to pray for the leaders of our country/province/town. Hmmmm, funny that. God does know what he's doing, doesn't he, even years before we know what we're doing!
Umm, I didn't mean that you weren't already pursuing big things. I meant something bit "to you!!" Guess proof-reading is a good idea. kim
Again, proof reading is a good idea. Try again... "something BIG to you."
count me in. my lawn is your lawn. lets get the signs out!
we'd like to once again voice our support!.....yeah, Craig....very proud of you stepping into this new arena.....
I wonder how it would look to have a sign supporting you on our lawn here in Campbell River?!....
corey and janice
and by the way, what a fantastic pic of our PM! It's on Scott's blog....
You would have my vote too, but I'm in Comox:( What do you want to see accomplished once you are in?
this is awesome Pastor Craig i am so excited for you! you have my vote of course.
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