Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Political Predictions...

If you're a political junkie - this is your time!

We have the US Presidential election on with new candidates. What looked like a slam dunk for Obama is now very close. Gov. Sarah Palin has injected new life into the McCain campaign. The McCain/Palin ticket is pro-life and aims for smaller government. We'll see what happens on the Iraq front. It looks like it is moving towards victory. The economy seems to be the major issue - the win will go to the one that seems to have the best answers. PREDICTION: McCain in a squeaker. (hanging chads anyone?)

Canadian election - Prime Minister Harper has had one of the longest serving minority governments in Canadian history. This campaign is probably going to hinge around the economy as well. The Cons want it to be about leadership. The Libs want it to be about the economy. The NDP want it to be about social spending. The Greens just want to be a player. The BQ is irrelevant. Prediction: larger minority government for the Cons. (135-140 seats). Liberals will lose a couple. The BQ will go down to around 40 seats. The NDP will pick up a couple. The Green will actually elect one. All bets are off if the Liberal campaign implodes...

Courtenay election: Starr Winchester is going to run again as mayor. I think all the current councillors are running as well (except Phelps to run for Mayor). Prediction: Phelps will win mayoralty. 2-3 of current council to go as well?


Heather K said...

Hugo Chavez kicked the US ambassador out of Venezuala...he says their ambassador will come home and he will go back when there's a new government in...I take it, he's hoping his fellow socialist/terrorist buddy is going to get in. Chavez and his Al Qae*da connections...he's unbelievably evil...and what's strange...is .. I think he actually thinks people believe his garbage that he spouts off!!

Heather K said...

and Obama seems to think that Chavez isn't such a bad guy..??? okay...