Our church lead a fundraising 5k on Saturday to raise funds to enable children in Haiti and Ghana to go to school. Not wanting to potentially embarrass my senior pastor with my prowess as a runner, I chose to run with my daughters.
I was so proud of the effort that they put in! Anika was the first girl (age 10-13) to cross the finish line in around 23 minutes. Alexandra was third place. She and her friends had gotten lost in the woods following the wrong tape markers off the trail! :) Alaina competed in a 400 metre race for the kids and was the first girl to cross! Great job girls!
Actually - if the truth be known - P Scott ran an amazing race. He wasn't whining about this, but his knees have been giving him severe trouble the last couple years. He can really only run on an elliptical trainer. He ran that race on willpower (and probably some ibuprofen) and did awesome. Great example!
I'll post the amount raised as soon as I know it.
23 minutes?!?! Wow. Impressive Anika. I'm doing a 5k in February and I'm really scared... but if you guys and my mom can do I think I'll be okay.
sounds like you all had a great time! You should tell P. Scott to try taking Udo's Oil....maybe that will help him. =)certainly won't hurt him. :D
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