Thursday, September 25, 2008

Does it Really Matter?

In our last federal election, 8.5 million people eligible to vote didn't even bother! I believe it is clearly a responsibility of all Canadians to participate in this important process. But what do you think? Why don't people bother? One person's opinion on the top five reasons:

  1. There isn't enough difference between the candidates/parties to make it worthwhile

  2. The outcome is a foregone conclusion/one vote won't change it

  3. The candidates can't be trusted to do what they say

  4. Voters don't know enough about the candidates to differentiate

  5. Voters don't know enough about the issues to make an informed choice

Have you ever used these reasons to not vote? Are you registered to vote in your town or riding? Why or why not? Let's have a discussion..

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